Check our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you do not find your question below, send us an email we will get back to you.

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  1. How representative  does the sample need to be?
    Representative samples are preferred. However, we recognize the challenges involved in representative sampling. Therefore, as is standard in research, all planned samples should be thoroughly described so that readers can assess their representativeness relative to the local population.
  2. Must all of the LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures be administered? Can a subset of measures be selected? Projects selected for funding by the Jacobs Foundation under the LEVANTE Framework initiative must use the full set of measures. One exception however is when the project involves the extension of the LEVANTE Framework to other languages or cultures, in which case some measures may not be applicable. Research groups who become LEVANTE partners without requesting funding can administer any subset of LEVANTE’s open access measures.
  3. Can a collaborative proposal (including several Pis) be submitted? Yes, collaborative proposals are strongly encouraged including proposals involving different research groups from either the same or different countries.
  4. Is it acceptable to include additional measures developed for a specific population? Any additional measures can be included in a proposed LEVANTE study, as long as they do not interfere with the administration of the LEVANTE measures. Following an open science approach, we strongly encourage projects with additional data collection to share these data with the broader scientific community in a format similar to the LEVANTE measures. Further details on this approach can be found at LEVANTE Open Science.
  5. Is it necessary to submit a proposal in order to use the LEVANTE Assessment Measures? No. LEVANTE measures are completely open access. There are several ways to join the LEVANTE network – you also can become a partner to use the LEVANTE measures for your project. Proposals are only necessary when submitting a request for funding.
  6. How does the data collection process work regarding data storage and processing for the LEVANTE Core Measures?  No data cleaning or preparations are required for data collected using the LEVANTE Core Measures. Data collection happens through the LEVANTE dashboard. Data then flow through a set of validations to the LEVANTE data repository (LDR). Researchers access data in a standardized format through the LDR. These data become part of the larger public dataset on a regular data release schedule.
  7. What are the steps of the application review process? When will I know the outcome of my application? The Call for Proposals will open on August 12, 2024. The application will go through an initial application phase. If your initial application is successful, you will be invited to submit a full proposal. After your extended proposal has been reviewed, you may be invited to an interview with the review panel. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of February 2025, with full funding expected by May 2025. 
  8. On-site testing at schools: How many students can be tested simultaneously in groups? What is the (supervisory) effort involved? All LEVANTE measures are administered via laptop or tablet computers. The number of children who could access the measures simultaneously is contingent on the availability of these devices and the logistics of the research team and schools. Supervisory effort is currently being pilot tested and is dependent on the ages of the children being tested. Younger children will require more assistance/supervision than older children (for recommendations see Sampling, recruitment, and administration guidelines). Further details will be shared with investigators as the results of pilot testing become available.
  9. Age group 5-12 year olds: Regarding the target age groups and the LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures, are the measures specifically adjusted for different age groups? Yes, the measures have been designed specifically for the target age range and have been piloted extensively across the full range. Further, age-dependent starting items and adaptive testing are being implemented.
  10. Is it necessary to start with a cohort of 5 year olds? No, it is not necessary. The assumption is that the data aggregation works as an accelerated longitudinal design. The only requirement is to have at least three waves of data collection over three years.
  11. How are the 60 minutes of caregiver report measures administered? Is it possible to use telephone interviews instead of/in addition to questionnaires? The caregiver report survey is also administered through the LEVANTE dashboard. In contexts where caregivers are unable to access a device for completing the survey or where an interview format is preferred, accommodations can be made for alternative administration procedures. In these cases, you will need to explain how you plan to share the data. Please find more information here.
  12. Is there more information about the questionnaire scales used in the LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures? Further details on the core assessment measures are expected to be shared in Autumn 2024, pending results of the pilot data collection and psychometric analyses. The different areas and specific measures collected through the LEVANTE platform can be found here.
  13. How can access to the LEVANTE Assessment Measures be obtained for the use in the study? To use the LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures, researchers will need to register (link to become available). The LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures are currently being piloted across different languages and contexts, to ensure comparable psychometric properties including but not limited to their reliability and validity. The first results are expected in the Autumn 2024, and those showing the expected properties will be taken forward and made available more broadly toward the end of the year.
  14. What is LEVANTE’s privacy policy? All data collected through LEVANTE is completely de-identified and the LEVANTE Core Assessment Measures and LEVANTE Data Repository will never contain any personally identifying information. Individual sites must obtain their own ethical approvals for data collection but no personally identifying information of any type will be shared between individual sites and the LEVANTE Data Repository.
  15. For investigators, what are the eligibility requirements for LEVANTE? Candidates must have obtained a PhD at least 5 years prior to application, and their position must be confirmed for the duration of the proposed project.
  16. Is there a geographic focus when selecting proposals? LEVANTE is an international framework with a goal to improve our understanding of variability in learning and development through coordinated data collection from any country. The question on the application regarding a geographic focus refers to the focus of investigators’ own research.
  17. Am I required to submit a budget? For the initial application, a budget is not required. However, if invited to submit an extended proposal, you will be asked to include a budgetary overview as well as a timeline of planned activities in your submission.
  18. If I am not selected on my first try, may I reapply? Yes.