The Learning Variability Network Exchange (LEVANTE) brings together researchers from around the world aiming to capture the richness and diversity of child development and learning.
Only by conducting open-access, cutting-edge research can we enhance our knowledge on learning and developmental variability.
Delve into the science of learning variability, explore cutting-edge research, and discover practical insights to enhance learning for all.
Home » Sampling, recruitment, and administration
LEVANTE is designed to enable coordinated data collection around measuring children’s variability within and across individuals, groups, and cultures. Data collection is distributed across groups and populations via calls for proposals, resulting in an interrelated set of accelerated, longitudinal studies that use the same sampling plan and core measure set to explore developmental variability across diverse populations. Sites applying for funding to use the LEVANTE framework are required to follow a set of broad guidelines around sampling, recruitment, and administration.
The LEVANTE researcher site provides an up-to-date source of detailed information about sampling, recruitment, and administration.