The LEVANTE Data Repository

Data contribution and access

The Learning Variability Network Exchange (LEVANTE) is a project designed to enable coordinated data collection around measuring children’s variability within and across individuals, groups, and cultures. The LEVANTE Data Repository (LDR) is a Jacobs Foundation-funded collaborative resource that contains harmonized human subjects research data and metadata from multiple research collection sites and contexts, providing a rare and valuable scientific resource. The goal of the LDR is to serve as a centralized repository for the standardized datasets generated via this framework, and to allow for the open sharing and reuse of this data. Research partners will collect data from a set of online measurement platforms and share data via the LDR.

LEVANTE and the Jacobs Foundation seek to encourage the use of these resources to achieve rapid scientific progress. Moreover, the Jacobs Foundation has made data sharing a requirement for all LEVANTE data collection it funds. In order to take full advantage of such resources and maximize their research value, it is important that high quality data are made broadly available, on appropriate terms and conditions, to the largest possible number of qualified investigators in a timely manner.

To protect and assure the confidentiality and privacy of all participants, all requests to submit data to the LDR require acceptance of the Terms and Conditions contained in the LEVANTE Data Submission Agreement (DSA), and all requests to access data in the LDR require acceptance of the Terms and Conditions contained in the LEVANTE Data Use Certification (DUC).

Data Submission Agreement (DSA)

The LDR Data Submission Agreement (DSA) outlines the terms and conditions for submitting data to the LEVANTE Data Repository.

Data submitted to the LEVANTE Data Repository will be stripped of all individual identifiers. However, new analytical methodologies and decreasing computing and storage costs have altered the framework through which identifiability can be defined. To mitigate the risk of re-identification, demographic information about participants will be collected on a separate platform from experimental data and assessed for the presence of “quasi-identifiers” by data collectors. Researchers are required to use anonymization tools to remove quasi-identifiers from their data prior to LDR submission.

View/download the LDR Data Submission Agreement Form

Data Use Certification (DUC)

The LEVANTE Data Use Certification (DUC) outlines the terms and conditions for requesting access to data maintained in the LEVANTE Data Repository.

Researchers accessing human subjects’ data are responsible for maintaining the privacy of those subjects and the confidentiality of their data. By agreeing to the LEVANTE DUC, you are accepting the terms and conditions for responsibly using human subjects’ data. Read the entire DUC carefully before agreeing to this certification. Ensure that all members of your research team who will have access to the data have also read the DUC and have agreed to abide by its terms. Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions of this DUC could result in denial of further access to the LEVANTE Data Repository data and in other actions.

View/download the LDR Data Use Certification