Prof. Manuel Bohn and Prof. Daniel Haun are leading the pilot data collection conducted at the Max Plack Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. The data collection at this pilot site will identify the psychometric properties, validity, age appropriateness, and internationalization capabilities of the Core Measures designed for LEVANTE, their longitudinal stability and variability, as well as predictive relationships amongst the measures over time. This site will contribute three sets of data: a test dataset including all measures and questionnaires, a retest dataset, and a two-year follow-up dataset for the Core Measures. LEVANTE Core Measures will be administered online to children between 5 and 12 years and a primary caregiver. Furthermore, they will contribute data to evaluate data pipelines developed for LEVANTE including the measurement platform, data validation tool, and data repository architecture.

Read more about the LEVANTE Pilot Sites.

Manuel and Daniel (Max Planck University)

Principal Investigators

Manuel Bohn is a tenure-track assistant professor of Developmental Psychology at the Institute of Psychology in Education at Leuphana University Lüneburg. He investigates the psychological roots of human communication, focusing on how children’s experiences shape their cognitive development across cultures, as well as studying great apes’ communicative abilities. His aim is to uncover what aspects of human cognition enable language learning in children. For LEVANTE, he is collaborating with the Comparative Cultural Psychology Department at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

Daniel Haun is the director of the Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and Professor of Comparative Cultural Psychology at the University of Leipzig. He conducts research on topics such as cross-cultural variation in early socio-cognitive development, great ape cognition, population-level variation in great ape sociality, social motivation, and spatial cognition.